Reign of Eros
"Reign of Eros" is a meditation on the at-times antagonistic dynamic between men and women. Its main character, a young, decadent man of affluence, experiences four relationships that form him and his understanding of the gender other: dispassion, sensuality, fascination and acquiescence. Caught in paradox, the raven-haired youth seeks an elusive unity. His realization that genuine understanding of the gender other arrives only through necessary anguish is surpassed only by his recognition that a psycho-metaphysical union with the gender other is impossible.
[Shellko] has worked out a fascinating form, quite new to my experience…illustrating the drama of sexual argument…His animation of space and place puts you there in wizardly fashion…[using] dialogues which sail freely across philosophical and erotic issues.
-Dr. Irwin Weil, Northwestern University