There are so many of us who are concerned over the state of our space and over the soundness of where we live. We see that our space on the globe not only has been neglected, but it has been violated, as one violates a woman. We have been concerned for many decades now, and suffered the libel and slander the powerful and unconcerned felt necessary to remove our efficacy. We watch as others go about their daily lives and we see a regular community, one that thrives and continues its activity as if its order and comfort will continue until death arrives, expecting a personal and not a communal end. They pay no heed to what resources they use; they cannot be bothered to separate their waste so that it goes properly into a more healthy space; they burn their ugly fuels without concern...except sometimes. Some of these strange beings actually believe they are environmentally concerned. They are not appalled at the consumption of vitality and at the ill-health that arises around them, or perhaps they are and they simply continue regardless. These persons are potential for us. They are growing in number, one hopes.
But it is quite late.