Suffering the Good

I have never before attempted to do as much good as I am now attempting. The goal is to give young persons in the Chicago area structure, but also another aim is to educate them in some small measure. They are young and thus chaotic. They have been given little direction in some cases, and thus they are yet more chaotic in mind and body. They knock desks and pull one another's hair. One week has passed, and I have yet to instruct them in any meaningful way. I am expected to manage their behavior, as if I were a parental authority figure. I am thus in a situation of at least 40% social work, something to which I am unaccustomed. This livelihood, or one might say vocation, is difficult at least, not as difficult as it is in other parts of the city, but surely not an easy task. I wish to help them become prosperous and good, to the extent that I am able.

It is always the pain of making good that occurs to me in much of my efforts, but this new venture...