So Much Made of Almost Nothing

If one watches one of these ubiquitous crime videos on the internet, one can see a steady stream of astounding conclusions. The authorities have little with which to work, granted, but a course in standard logic will give them the greatest assist in understanding how they do not understand, and in how they are able to benefit from that condition of proper ignorance.

One example is the following. A young man, adopted by a couple some years ago, opens the garage door to his adoptive parents' home and finds both of them barely conscious in the front seat of the car with bullet holes in their heads. He calls the police and asks for an ambulance, and he does so in a calm and monotone manner. The authorities later find suspicious that he is unemotional, that he reacts in a stoic manner. One must grant that the police do not know the situation, and they must grope in the dark, centering initially around the persons involved in the crime and those affected by the crime, but the manner in which each human contends with traumatic situations differs radically from person to person.

As it happened, a friend of that young man's brother found his way into the home and had burglarized the house, being discovered when the deceased arrived home.