More Strong, Not More Sensitive

During the moment when a woman who has not yet brought herself out of servility thinks to herself "Why am I doing this for him?", she has then the possibility to become something other than a shade of him or his servant, or that which makes his vocation more powerful. That moment does not always continue more than mere moments, and when she considers acting on that thought, the logistics of disentanglement with the gender other becomes more and more evident, the longer the period of thought about her position.

It is a strength that is needed after such a realization, not a strength that overcomes and suppresses, not one that controls, but another kind of potency. It is an act of responsibility, lacking the traditional blaming of the gender other for everything that does not please her about what she herself has done. That actuality - rare for any gender of human - makes a possible emancipation, but the emancipation ought not take the form of the old, traditional complaint, or of the thought that the gender other ought to contort themselves into her expectation, since she is the prey. It is the strength of that moment to move oneself, to make something happen without the need for the other, and with self accountability when blame is due - when praise is due.

That other and his need will most-oft again subvert what she wills, but that is human, not male.