Comfort In A Dying World

I am anxious to hear your thoughts, my absent friend, on a matter that has concerned me for some decades. Perhaps just once you will humor me with them. The American "conservative", such as it is conservative these days, has always been adept at surviving mortality, easily even. The acceptance of things as they are seems fit to endure comfortably the death that surrounds us, an end that surrounds every thing living, and admittedly, there is a certain excellence of understanding, a keen survival adaptation, that comes with the acceptance of one's finitude. Yet, it is the death of another that these conservatives accept. They seem quite comfortable with the demise of political rivals, even whole institutions, as long as they retain their comfort. Their own end...

I wish to retain for myself that comfort with death, my friend, but I see everything dying all around me, and I perceive growing danger. I am hoping that you are willing to tell me what you think, but I fear you have died, or that you are in part the death I seek. Thoughts?